
          The Town of Imagination for Rabbits 

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I have over 12 years of experience with medical rabbits as a shelter advocate and as a baby-and-medical foster site for a local 501(c)(3) nonprofit Rabbit Rescue Group.  Often, I would go to the shelter to perform a Nose2Tail Health Check and make a recommendation that the bunny(ies) be taken into our system and be seen by a licensed Exotic Rabbit Veterinarian.   It is important to do a basic Nose2Tail Home Health Check on your rabbit(s) on a monthly basis. 

Disclaimer:   If your bunny is in distress or if you have any concerns, don’t hesitate to promptly contact your local licensed Exotic Rabbit Veterinarian. I am not a licensed Exotic Rabbit Veterinarian and this should not be a substitute for official medical advice by a board licensed Exotic Rabbit Veterinarian.

The following are some of the slides that I show at classes in which I give to local Rabbit Rescue Groups. All of the pictures here were from my previous evaluations of shelter rabbits, rescue rabbits, or of my very own. 




working on this slide